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Baldy vs keith

Baldemar goes first. Summons EwilSwarm Thunder bird and a back row and ends. Keith plays gold sarcophagus and baldy uses EvilSwarm Thunderbird effect as a chain. Keith removes heavy storm with the gold sarcophagus and ends. Baldy Brings back thunderbird and summons EvilSwarm Heliotrope atttacks exceeds to EvilSwarm Ophion detaches and gets Infestation Infection. Baldemar then sets a card and passes. Keith sets a monster and a backrow ends.  At end phase baldy uses Infestation Infection to gets EwilSwarm Castor. Baldy starts his turn with an Evilswarm Castor summons EvilSwarm Kerykeion and uses effect which gets negated by effect veiler. Then Baldemar uses EvilSwarm Ophion effect which is negated by another effect veiler. Then proceeds to attack with all three monsters and Keith drops Tragodia after the attacks. At the end of the battle phase, Baldemar makes a Gaga cowboy which gets enemy controllered after it is summoned. At this point Keith surrenders as he was faced with defeat by the hands of Gaga Cowboy

Game 2               

Keith starts with a set monster and ends. Baldemar starts with a FireFist and a mandragora and attacks with both. Baldemar uses Gorilla’s effect to search for Fire Formation- Tenki. Sets and activates. Baldy then proceeds to set another back row. Exceeds to Abyss Dweller and uses its ability which is negated when Keith activates an Effect Veiler . Keith sets another monster ends. Baldy attacks into a snowman eater with abyss dweller and Baldemar uses book of moon to set his bear. Keith summons Tidal by banishing his treeborn and a snowman eater then attacks the set Fire Fist Bear. Keith sets a monster and a back row and the back row gets Mystical Space Typhooned. Baldemar then Summons EvilSwam Thunderbird and attacks into ronintoaden.  Keith turn starts and he discards his tidal and another water (shark) to send a treeborn to the grave. Baldemar’s turn again and summons another EvilSwarm Thunderbird and exceeds to an EvilSwarm Ophion and uses effect to get Spell())). Then attacks the ronintoadin and proceeds to attack directly, then ends with a set card. Keith brings back the frog and sets a monster and uses Mystical Space Typhoon on Baldemar’s set card. EvilSwarm Kerykeion is summoned and he uses the ability. Baldemar then puts another Evilswarm thunderbird into play. Baldemar uses effect of EvilSwarm Ophion. Attacks into snowman with abyss dweller and targets Baldemar’s thunderbird. Then with the rest of his creatures. Ketih specials tidal and treeborn summons Deep sea King Cealocath attacks the Kerykeion and ends. Baldy draws summons EvilSwarm mandragora,  monster reborns EvilSwarm Kerykeion and makes a Gaga cowboy to end the game.

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